Where yoga is community.

Join our online yoga community! Take live online yoga with our master teachers or watch recorded classes, which are added daily to our content library.

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Our Live Online Classes

We offer high-quality LIVE online yoga classes in a unique format, allowing our expert teachers to provide online adjustments to each student. Additional offerings include online yoga workshops, teacher trainings, and guided meditation.

Sign up for individual live online classes or subscribe to our monthly membership to have instant access to all our live online yoga and over 1,000 recorded classes from our Content Library.


Content Library

What is the Content Library? Our live online yoga classes are recorded and added daily to the content library. From beginner to advanced level classes, we have over 3,000 videos from over 30 teachers. Each video takes a class pass or watch as many as you like with our unlimited passes. A few videos are FREE so you can sample the library. You can purchase a pass to have full access to the library.

“Your online classes are the best thing to happen to my at-home yoga practice.”

-Holly Piper


Our mission is to bring the world of yoga to you and your home with a collection of expert instructors from around the globe.

Below are a few examples of some of our class styles

Vinyasa Flow

Vinyasa Flow

Vinyasa is the marriage of breath and movement. These classes will link poses together to keep the flow and heat going. Inversions and arm balances may be introduced.


Level 1 and 2

These classes are a blend of Hatha and Vinyasa and build strength and stamina while learning the foundations of the practice. Focus is on alignment and building stamina.

Basics and Therapeutics


Therapeutics is designed for beginners or those who have injuries, ailments or limitations. Focus is on stabilizing and strengthening while adding breathwork and stretching.

Yin and Meditation

Yin Yoga

Yin uses floor based postures that are held for a period of time to create flexibility and calm the medatative mind. Focus is on breathwork, guided visualization, and prop use.


“Health is the greatest gift, contentment is the greatest wealth”

— Buddha

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